AMO open science forums for students, researchers, academics etc. The aim is to create a place for general scientific discussions and resource sharing, with an open science philosophy, and dissolve usual group/institutional/international boundaries to collaboration.
For more intro comments and discussion, including guides and methodologies, see the About forums.
Why forums, and some history. For general background, and to suggest other discussion venues.
The forum is accessible via multiple URLs,
openscience.femtolab.ca (default)
amoopenscience.femtolab.ca (full)
forums.femtolab.ca (short but generic)
We also have a companion Slack workspace for IM/real-time discussion duties (non-archival!) and other ephemera - https://amoopenscience.slack.com. This is for forum members only, sign-up here.
Disclaimer: This board is hosted on femtolab.ca, but open to posting from independent individuals - we take no responsibility or liability for any content posted here, or opinions expressed! Please review the full T&Cs for more information and general conduct guidelines. Please contact the board admin for issues with specific content or users.