For a general overview and introduction, try:
- ePolyScat basics tutorial
- ePolyScat advanced usage tutorial
- ePSproc is an open-source tool for post-processing & visualisation of ePS results, aimed primarily at photoionization studies.
- ePSdata is an open-data/open-science collection of ePS + ePSproc results.
- ePolyScat Manual full guide to the code.
A slides version of the basic tutorial (as presented to PULSE, May 2020) is also available via Figshade, DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12366719 (a video version may follow...)
Note: links and some content may change in future, but will be accessible via ePSproc documentation at
Please make comments/suggestions below, or via the source notebooks on Github, available at (or navigate via the docs page above and click the "edit on Github" link at the top of the page).