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Attachments, archival use & content

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 4:35 pm
by forumAdmin

In general, the aim here is for all content to be archival - i.e. online, searchable and useful in the future.

However, site storage and bandwidth is limited, so to ensure archival content beyond basic text please use a suitable repository for shared content (code, files, datasets etc.), and link to - rather than directly attach - such content.

As well as the usual suspects (Dropbox, GDrive etc.), here are some recommended tools for scientific use:

  • Open Science Foundation (OSF): for projects, data etc., includes wiki, versioning and DOI.
  • Figshare: General file & project sharing, includes versioning and DOI.
  • Zenodo: General file & project sharing, includes versioning and DOI.

While attachments are currently allowed for the forums, they are limited in size and may be periodically removed to free server space. For general non-archival sharing, ephemeral app integrations, etc., try our companion Slack workspace.

If you have other suggestions or preferred tools, please post below. See also the Open Science Tools thread for more general discussion.